
Born and raised in California. In 2020 I met my now husband. 2021 I married him and moved to his home in Ontario, Canada. We lost our first baby Misha that that same year. 2022 our daughter Lydia was born and we moved to Alberta, Canada. I almost drowned once laughing, my first haircut was administered by a weed whacker motor and I can be caught entering bookstores just for the smell.  The proper way to eat cake is in a bowl with milk. A few blessings I delight in are music, the sea, letters, photography, hiking, road trips, tea, and books.

Jesus is my peace, joy and greatest treasure.  I am inexpressibly thankful to be one of His chosen ones, adopted into His family with my precious brothers and sisters who wet my appetite for eternity and spur me on by their words and deeds to make Him my all. August 2010 this sinner tasted what real joy is and Who it is that gives it.  By His grace, doubt was cleared away I surrendered and trusted Jesus as my Savior and God as my Abba Father.  It is my hope that my words will point you to joy by pointing you to Him.

Look to Christ dear ones!

~M. J.

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”   ~Psalms 16:11 ESV